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Improper Truck Maintenance, Negligent Truck Drivers Can Cause Fatal Accidents

Brooks Schuelke, Esq.
Schuelke Law PLLC

Austin, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 13, 2019 – A poorly maintained 18-wheeler is an accident waiting to happen if it is out on the road. Being involved in a collision with a commercial truck often results in serious, life-altering injuries or death.

Big rig operators and others who drive various forms of commercial trucks are duty bound to other vehicle drivers on the highways to ensure their truck is in good working order, mechanically sound, and not overloaded or improperly loaded. Any lapse in regular maintenance and routine repairs incrementally increases the chances of causing a dangerous and potentially deadly accident.

“Commercial trucking collisions can result in catastrophic injuries that alter your life forever,” said Brooks Schuelke, Austin trucking accident attorney. “And accidents involving big rigs are more common than one might think. For example, the TxDOT indicates that in 2015 alone there were 630 collisions in Travis County.”

Based on reportable crashes in Texas there were 5,430 fatal crashes in 2017, and approximately 433 involved semi-trucks or trucks with trailers. Even low speed crashes can result in severe injuries just based on the weight of the big rig.

“Regular safety inspections for each commercial truck are mandatory as laid out by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),” added Schuelke. The FMCSA requires regular inspection of the following:

* Tires
* Fuel system
* Brakes
* Suspension
* Steering
* Exhaust system

If there is an accident involving a big rig, one of the first things an experienced trucking accident attorney does is check the accident scene to maintain the integrity of the evidence. If there was improper maintenance of a truck involved in a collision and that poor maintenance was caused by the negligence of the trucking company and/or the driver, the victim may be entitled to punitive damages in conjunction with compensation for injuries.

Proving a breach of the duty of care on the part of a trucker involved in an accident involves documenting any evident maintenance failures, such as:

* Not securing trailers properly
* Not properly securing a load with the appropriate safety devices
* Not replacing worn out brakes
* Not replacing/repairing the truck’s suspension system
* Not replacing torn/worn windshield wipers
* Not checking/maintaining appropriate tire pressure
* Not replacing burnt out bulbs
* Not replacing worn/threaded tires
* Not replacing truck lubricants as necessary

“If you have been involved in a trucking accident, my door is open to you. These kinds of accidents are complex and with our experience, we can certainly help you by explaining your legal rights and discussing with you what to expect if you file a lawsuit,” said Schuelke.

Petrelli Previtera Schimmel, LLC Welcomes Senior Associate Matthew F. Fox

Matthew F. Fox, Esq.

Philadelphia, PA (Law Firm Newswire) February 12, 2019 - Previtera Schimmel, LLC is pleased to announce that Matthew F. Fox has joined the firm as Senior Associate. Exemplified by his outstanding track record as an attorney, Fox has built an accomplished 20-year legal career guiding individuals through complex family law matters including divorce, custody, support and more.

“We are delighted to welcome Matthew to our legal team as Senior Associate,” said Petrelli Previtera Schimmel Partner Thomas J. Petrelli. “One of the core values of our firm is possessing the ability to balance compassion and responsiveness with top-notch legal representation. Matthew is well equipped to successfully handle the most complex family-related legal matters while giving clients peace of mind that their case is in good hands.”

Matthew previously worked at another prominent law firm in Pennsylvania before opening a private practice. He is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and Widener University School of Law. Prior to becoming an attorney, Mr. Fox worked as a Hearing Officer with the Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, PA. He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania.


Petrelli Previtera Schimmel, LLC

1845 Walnut Street, 19th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 523-6900

516 DeKalb Street, Suite C
Norristown, PA 19401
Phone: (610) 924-2870

44 E Court Street 2nd Floor
Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: (267) 938-4480

One Echelon Plaza
227 Laurel Road, Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Phone: (201) 655-7204

Two Prudential Plaza
180 North Stetson, Suite 3500
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 252-2085

29 Emmons Drive, Suite E-30
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: (609) 917 9560

Wounded Vets Get More Physical Therapy Options

Legal Help for Veterans is a law firm helping veterans get the benefits they deserve.

Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire) February 12, 2019 - U.S. military veterans recuperating from wartime wounds and injuries obtained through military service will have more options for receiving physical therapy thanks to an agreement between the VA and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). The agreement gives veterans greater access to physical therapy treatment for pain and ailments, while creating more jobs for those employed in physical therapy.

The rigors of military duty and combat in particular leave many veterans in need of ongoing treatments after leaving the military service. A new partnership between the VA and the APTA helps to give veterans greater access to effective treatments for pain and other ailments caused by their military service.

“It always is refreshing to see the VA taking new, innovative approaches to helping the nation’s wounded and injured military veterans better deal with often lifelong consequences of their service,” said experienced veterans benefits attorney James G. Fausone, who also is a military veteran. “Too many veterans are given less-than-effective treatments for pain and other ongoing ailments. This partnership offers real hope for those looking to get away from traditional pain medication and other treatments that often come with debilitating side effects.”

The VA recently announced the partnership, which includes developing new ways to more effectively treat veterans who have ongoing physical ailments and pain from their service to the nation. The agreement promotes the use of non-medicinal treatment for pain, while also supporting the VA’s efforts to prevent suicide among veterans. The partnership also enhances the VA’s Adaptive Sports Grants Program.

VA Secretary Robert Wilkie lauded the partnership as coordinating the strengths of two outstanding organizations, while enabling the development of new best practices for treating veterans via federal programs, like those supported by the VA, and through private entities.

Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC
41700 West Six Mile Road, Suite 101
Northville, MI 48168
Toll Free Phone: 800.693.4800

  • VA will pay Army vet $40,000 in back benefits
    A disabled Army vet from New Jersey will soon be paid $40,000 in back benefits from the Veterans Administration. Ronald Choplinski, 71, was awarded the money after the VA Board of Veterans’ Appeals decided in January 2018 to upgrade the severity of his disability and that he should have been compensated for it earlier than […]
  • Study finds brain changes for veterans with TBI and PTSD
    A new study recently published by the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation found that veterans and active duty military personnel with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injuries have larger amygdalae than others who only have brain injuries. The amygdala is the area of the brain associated with emotions, especially fear, anxiety, anger […]
  • Wilkie pledges increased government focus on veteran suicide prevention
    Early April, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie said that the entire government was focused on reducing the rate of suicide among veterans. This statement comes in the wake of several suicides committed outside VA clinics and much turmoil within the agency. Instead of seeing suicide as a stand-alone issue, Wilkie said that the government […]
  • New tool seeks to help caregivers of vets with TBI
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common injuries sustained by veterans and it can have a profound effect on their daily lives. Around 384,000 service members and veterans have suffered a TBI and a third of them are left with a disability. Some require regular care from a loved one. A new […]

Social Security Disability Benefits Remained Available During Government Shutdown

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 11, 2019 - Social Security Administration (SSA) services remained unaffected during a partial shutdown of the federal government that began on December 22, 2018. SSA benefits recipients continued receiving their disability checks during the shutdown.

The SSA was not impacted this time due to a full-year agreement that was reached in September. None of its employees were furloughed unlike during past shutdowns. The agency issued a contingency plan outlining how its essential programs would remain in operation even as some federal workers got furloughed and other programs stopped. “Funding for the programs under Titles II, XVI, and XVIII of the Social Security Act will continue, even in the event of a lapse in appropriations,” the plan said.

“Social Security disability recipients were reassured to know that the agency was open and running as usual,” said Florida social security disability attorney David W. Magann. “Millions of Americans worry about what a partial closure of the federal government could mean for their benefit checks. It would have been unfair for people to stop receiving the regular payments they rely on through no fault of their own.”

While the shutdown resulted in significant problems in some areas of the government, core services such as Medicare and Medicaid payments, as well as public safety operations were uninterrupted. Social Security checks were still going out to recipients. All three programs are considered mandatory spending and are not affected by the federal budget debate.

The Social Security trust fund is sustained via long-term investments and taxes rather than annual appropriations by Congress. Only funds appropriated by the latter will feel the impact of the shutdown. Veterans also continued to receive their disability and retirement checks in a timely manner along with survivor benefits payments.

About a quarter of the government including nine of 15 federal departments and some smaller agencies shut down on December 22. Congressional Democrats and the White House failed to reach an agreement to keep them open when their funding lapsed. The shutdown forced around 800,000 federal workers to go on furlough or work without pay.

Biedermann Hoenig Semprevivo Expands South with the Opening of its Florida Office

Biedermann Hoenig Semprevivo P.C.

New York, NY(Law Firm Newswire) February 11, 2019 - Biedermann Hoenig Semprevivo, A Professional Corporation, is pleased to announce the opening of its Florida office, located in Miami, Florida. The firm, with its flagship office located in New York City, has grown organically over the past several years with the addition of multiple offices in New York State, New Jersey and Boston/Walpole and is excited to now expand its client services to Florida. Its Florida branch, led by Partner, Suzanne M. Valles, was formally opened on February 1, 2019 and is located at 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 700, Miami, FL 33131.

Prior to the opening of Biedermann Hoenig Semprevivo’s Florida branch, Ms. Valles was a former Team Lead for the first-party property practice group of a national law firm. She offers her experience and expertise in a variety of civil litigation matters, including: products liability, employment law, construction law, premises liability, education law, and first-party property disputes.

Biedermann Hoenig Semprevivo offers a wide array of legal services to both domestic and international businesses operating in the United States. A non-exhaustive list of the firm’s practice areas includes general and commercial civil litigation, employment law, professional liability, products liability, education and not-for-profit, domestic and international property and casualty insurance, reinsurance and coverage disputes, subrogation, construction law, first-party property disputes, arbitration and appeals.

Inquiries may be made to:
Suzanne Valles

Philip Semprevivo

Immigration Court Backlogs Increased During Government Shutdown

Dallas immigration lawyers

Dallas immigration lawyers - Rabinowitz & Rabinowitz, P.C.

Dallas, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 8, 2019 – Immigration courts remained closed across the United States and there were estimates of up to 100,000 canceled hearings due to an ongoing partial government shutdown that began on December 22, 2018. The situation resulted in delays for almost all federal civil cases and increased backlogs of immigration court cases.

Many federal attorneys and judges were not working for the duration of the shutdown. Most immigration judges were furloughed on December 26, 2018. Only a quarter of the courts’ 400 judges were deemed “essential.” The majority of the several thousand cases that immigration courts typically see per day were cancelled without a future date being set.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a notice on the day the shutdown began announcing that the current lapse in federal funding would not affect the agency’s operations for the most part. But some of its programs — the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Regional Center Program, the E-Verify program, the Conrad 30 Waiver Program for J-1 medical doctors, and the non-minister religious workers immigration category — will either expire or suspend operations until funding resumes or Congress reauthorizes them.

“USCIS benefits operations are user funded and as such, are not affected by the budget impasse on annual appropriations, with limited exceptions,” said Stewart Rabinowitz of the Dallas and Frisco law firm of Rabinowitz & Rabinowitz, P.C. “But immigration judges are affected and 3/4 of all immigration judges are deemed non-essential, and are not working, shutting down proceedings in all but detained cases and delaying most of the 800,000+ pending immigration court cases. Ironic, isn’t it, that a partial government shutdown over funding a border wall results in delaying the potential deportation of thousands of persons in the U.S. that the Administration is eager to remove.”

More than 800,000 active immigration cases were pending prior to the government shutdown, according to data compiled by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse based on Department of Justice records. The backlog of cases facing U.S. judges is likely to increase due to the impasse. Ashley Tabaddor, President of the National Association of Immigration Judges, called the government shutdown a “tremendous disruption to cases in an already overburdened court.”

By Appointment Only
Three Galleria Tower
13155 Noel Road, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75240

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VA to Prioritize Benefits Appeals for Veterans Affected by Hurricanes

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 27, 2018 - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced plans to fast-track the processing of pending benefits appeals claims for veterans living in counties impacted by the recent hurricanes across the southeastern region of the United States.

The VA Board of Veterans’ Appeals found that the aftermath of Hurricanes Michael and Florence warranted efforts to advance the appeals. VA officials said the accelerated processing would help veterans in need. However, they did not specify how many of the over 300,000 currently undecided claims will be prioritized.

“The VA’s decision to fast-track the processing of claims will be welcome by veterans and their families who have faced hardships due to the hurricanes,” said Florida veterans lawyer David W. Magann. “Timely benefits are extremely important for veterans, who rely on them to pay for the essentials of day to day living.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) identified disaster areas in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Veterans who live in the affected regions will automatically qualify for the expedited appeals processing. No action will be required on their part as long as their residential addresses are correct.

The VA Board of Veterans’ Appeals said they are expecting to accelerate claims over six months. Officials will reassess the status of pending appeals once the designated period ends.

VA health and benefits services in parts of the four states were temporarily disrupted by the powerful storms in September and October. Some veterans with critical needs had to be evacuated to medical centers in different states. Officials said facilities in the affected regions have resumed normal operations since then.

In a statement, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie described speeding up “the decision process on pending appeals claims” for veterans impacted by the recent hurricanes as “the right thing to do.”

Study: Medicines Might Contribute to Vet Suicide Rates

Legal Help for Veterans is a law firm helping veterans get the benefits they deserve.

Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire) February 5, 2019 - A new study suggests the medicines used to treat military veterans and others contribute to already high suicide rates among some subpopulations. When medicines used to treat military veterans compound their problems, it greatly complicates the transition to civilian life.

The very medicines used to treat veterans with PTSD and other injuries obtained through the sacrifice of military service might contribute to suicidal thoughts and actions, a recent study suggests. The study examined the effect of the drug Prazosin on subjects who were identified as already having suicidal thoughts. The study included at least two military veterans, and results suggest the drug contributes to suicidal thoughts and actions.

“Suicide is a pervasive problem with military veterans – particularly those dealing with the ongoing effects of PTSD,” said experienced veterans benefits attorney James G. Fausone, who also is a military veteran. “When the medicines intended to help them cause more harm than good, that increases their problems, rather than solving them.”

Medical College of Georgia chairman of psychiatry health behavior Dr. W. Vaughn McCall is the study’s lead author. He said the study results are inconclusive, but do show potential issues with how veterans and others receive treatments designed to help them. When the issue is suicide, that problem becomes a matter of life and death.

Prazosin primarily treats high blood pressure, but it also often is prescribed to treat veterans and others with PTSD. The study suggests patients who already have suicidal thoughts might experience amplified desires to end their lives due to side effects of taking the drug. The results, though, need additional study before drawing any conclusions.

Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC
41700 West Six Mile Road, Suite 101
Northville, MI 48168
Toll Free Phone: 800.693.4800

  • VA will pay Army vet $40,000 in back benefits
    A disabled Army vet from New Jersey will soon be paid $40,000 in back benefits from the Veterans Administration. Ronald Choplinski, 71, was awarded the money after the VA Board of Veterans’ Appeals decided in January 2018 to upgrade the severity of his disability and that he should have been compensated for it earlier than […]
  • Study finds brain changes for veterans with TBI and PTSD
    A new study recently published by the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation found that veterans and active duty military personnel with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injuries have larger amygdalae than others who only have brain injuries. The amygdala is the area of the brain associated with emotions, especially fear, anxiety, anger […]
  • Wilkie pledges increased government focus on veteran suicide prevention
    Early April, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie said that the entire government was focused on reducing the rate of suicide among veterans. This statement comes in the wake of several suicides committed outside VA clinics and much turmoil within the agency. Instead of seeing suicide as a stand-alone issue, Wilkie said that the government […]
  • New tool seeks to help caregivers of vets with TBI
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common injuries sustained by veterans and it can have a profound effect on their daily lives. Around 384,000 service members and veterans have suffered a TBI and a third of them are left with a disability. Some require regular care from a loved one. A new […]

New York Jail Cook Charged With Rape of Inmates

New York, NY(Law Firm Newswire) February 4, 2019 – A New York county jail employee was charged with rape and multiple other felonies for having sex with three inmates.

Jennifer Parker, 43, worked as a kitchen supervisor at the St. Lawrence County Correctional Facility in Canton from August 2010 until her resignation in June 2018. As head cook she managed and supervised inmates who worked in the facility’s kitchen.

Parker was accused of engaging in oral sex, sexual intercourse and various other sexual acts with three inmates. According to court documents, the alleged sexual misconduct occurred from 2011 to 2014. She was arrested following a joint investigation by the New York State Police and the Attorney General’s office.

“Rape and other sexual offenses are vigorously prosecuted in New York,” commented Peter Brill, a New York criminal defense attorney with Brill Legal Group, who is not involved with the case. “A conviction can have serious consequences including mandatory sex offender registration, which can have far-ranging impact on a person’s life long after an alleged crime has occurred. Individuals facing such charges should seek experienced legal representation.”

A St. Lawrence County grand jury indicted Parker on 16 counts including three counts of third-degree rape, third-degree criminal sexual act and second-degree promoting prison contraband. She was also charged with two counts of forcible touching and five counts of official misconduct. Each felony count carries a prison sentence of up to four years. Each misdemeanor count carries a prison sentence of up to one year.

Under New York state law, inmates are considered incapable of consent due to their incarceration. The inmates who were working at the facility were under Parker’s direct supervision and control at the time of each of the alleged sexual encounters.

Parker pleaded not guilty at her December 2018 arraignment in St. Lawrence County Court in Canton, New York. She was released to probation supervision.

Manhattan Office
306 5th Avenue, Penthouse
New York, NY 10038
Phone: 212-233-4141

Nassau County Office
64 Hilton Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Phone: 516-206-2002

Suffolk County Office
150 Motor Parkway, Suite 401
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Phone: 631-237-1919

Toll Free: 888-309-8876

Changes Coming to the H-1B Lottery

Houston, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 1, 2019 - For many years there have been talk about changes coming to the H-1B lottery. Finally, something did happen on December 3, 2018.

On December 3 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a notice and a comment period for a proposed rule to change the H-1B lottery. The lottery would now be merit based with a new electronic registration process.

Petitioners would be required to first register with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Once an employee is chosen, in the lottery, USCIS would then ask for the whole petition. While it may speed up the system to a point, there is a concern that employers would use it to file for multiple employees, even some that do not qualify for a position, and thereby messing up the lottery.

“Making these changes does make it easier for U.S. Master’s Degree holders to score a lottery number,” said well-known Houston immigration attorney, Annie Banerjee. “Also, with the new procedure, the rates for entering the lottery are expected to be significantly lower.”

This new rule is not likely to go into effect until March 2019, as CIS is mandated to propose a rule, provide a 30-day public notice period for comments and then make the rule. The comment period for this particular proposed change in rules ended January 2, 2019 and it is likely CIS would require 90 to 180 days to take action on drafting and finalizing the rule. “In the alternative, it is also entirely possible this rule will not be implemented until 2020 given the short turn around time involved,” added Banerjee.

For those interested in finding out how the CIS changes may affect them, that information may be found here.

Given the uncertainty in the immigration system today, it is best to consult with an experienced business immigration attorney to find out what is needed to get on the right side of the law to hire workers.

Law Offices of Annie Banerjee
131 Brooks Street, Suite #300
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
Phone: (281) 242-9139

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