San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) April 6, 2016 – The latest issue of Bigger Law Firm magazine has valuable information for attorneys who take seriously their firm's data security.
In Kerrie Spencer's article, “Shield your firm from a ransomware storm,” attorneys get a primer in a potentially devastating form of malware. Ransomware is malware that restricts access to a computer system, often by encrypting its contents, and demands some form of payment in order to obtain a key that will return control of the system to its owner.
Even upon payment of ransom, there is no guarantee that the provided key will work, and the malware will likely remain resident on the computer. Eradication, while possible, is exceedingly difficult. Therefore, diligent prevention of attacks is the best policy. Spencer names anti-malware products that can offer some protection, but stresses that data backups and awareness of attack vectors are the keys to security.
Because ransomware spreads through computer networks in order to maximize the threat, a backup on the network is not good enough. Spencer explains the secure options available and how often to back up data. Detailing the specific ways systems can become infected, Spencer shows discrete steps firms should take to close off avenues of attack, as well as ongoing habits users need to develop to avoid mistakes.
Finally, Spencer tells what to do in the event your firm's computers fall prey to ransomware — how to mitigate damage and get back to normal.
For this and other insights into the intersections of law, technology and marketing, get your copy of Bigger Law Firm magazine today.

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