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Personal Injury Lawyers Can Make a Free Custom Ebook in 60 Seconds

Personal Injury lawyers can customize "Getting Compensated" and offer it to their visitors and clients.

Personal Injury lawyers can customize "Getting Compensated" and offer to their visitors and clients.

Custom Legal Marketing has created a personal injury ebook that law firms can customize to offer to their visitors and clients.

San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) February 29, 2016 – Personal injury attorneys can customize a free personal injury ebook by simply entering their law firm’s name, phone number and website. The customized ebook will instantly be emailed to them in PDF format. Its front page includes the law firm’s name, phone number and linked website.

Titled “Getting Compensated: An Introduction to Personal Injury Claims,” the ebook can be made available to potential clients looking to learn more about personal injury claims.

The easy-to-read guide is packed with useful information and attractive graphics presented in a professional format. The ebook answers the typical questions that prospective clients may have about filing a personal injury claim. Some topics addressed include common types of personal injuries, how much claims are worth and how long a person has to file their personal injury claim.

Personal injury lawyers can benefit from Custom Legal Marketing's free guide in several ways.

  • The ebook can serve as an effective marketing tool.
  • Law firms can gain credibility and position themselves as authorities in their field.
  • Offering a customized ebook and submitting it to ebook directories can also help a law firm build links, which are essential for search engine optimization purposes.
  • Personal injury attorneys can use the ebook is to acquire the contact information of prospective clients and important leads by requiring website visitors to submit their email address in order to receive “Getting Compensated.”

Law firm websites are often the first point of contact for potential clients searching online for an attorney. A law firm that presents a detailed, informative ebook rather than just a brief FAQ is likely to make a better first impression than its competitors.

CLM says anybody can create the ebook in less than 60 seconds.

Custom Legal Marketing
An Adviatech company
1111 Kearny St.
San Francisco, CA 94133
Phone: 1.415.449.1985
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Legal Marketing Magazine, Bigger Law Firm, Dissects Google’s Rater Guidelines

Dissecting Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines

Dissecting Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines

San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) February 26, 2016 – Attorneys who want to build a strong web presence will want to check out the latest issue of The Bigger Law Firm magazine.

In the feature article, “Dissecting Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines,” Ryan Conley gives an in-depth look into what Google wants in a website. In order to test the ability of its computer algorithms to push the best pages to the top of search results, Google needs humans to rate large numbers of websites. This is where the company's evaluation program comes in, and the Guidelines teach evaluators how to rate website quality.

As Conley explains, law firms first need to understand that they are held to high standards. That is because they qualify as “Your Money or Your Life” sites, Google's tongue-in-cheek name for websites that concern sensitive topics like law, finance and health. How then can law firms live up to these standards and achieve high placement in search results?

Three important characteristics are summed up in the acronym E-A-T: expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. Evaluators are instructed to look for these characteristics, but are allowed to subjectively interpret what might indicate them. Conley provides examples of how to strike the right tone with readers.

Reputation is another important factor in determining page quality, and this factor is more objective. Evaluators are to seek out third-party reviews of companies whose pages they rate. While some attorneys may be reluctant to ask clients for reviews, their ability to make websites stand out is clear.

Google's Guidelines emphasize the growing importance of smartphone and tablet users, who differ from desktop users in their search engine needs and their device capabilities. Conley provides an overview of design principles and specific methods for testing website performance on mobile devices.

To sum up, Conley explains that the publication of the Guidelines provides no surprises in the world of web development. Rather, they simply reinforce the notion that there are no shortcuts to good website development, and law firms need to approach the task with as much care as an important client's case.

Download the latest Bigger Law Firm Magazine Issue: Dissecting Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines

Download the latest Bigger Law Firm Magazine Issue: Dissecting Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines

To learn more about how to build a Bigger Law Firm, visit




Attorney Alex R. Hernandez Jr. Featured in Elite Attorneys San Antonio Magazine

Alex Hernandez Jr. Attorney

San Antonio, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 16, 2016 - Trial Lawyer Alex R. Hernandez Jr. was recently featured on the cover of Elite Attorneys San Antonio magazine. The article highlights the life of Hernandez as well as his history as a trial and business lawyer.

A St. Mary's University School of Law in San Antonio graduate, the magazine is a plus for the school, for San Antonio, and features the success of Alex R. Hernandez Jr.


Alex Hernandez Jr.
300 Convent, Suite 1330
San Antonio, TX 78205

Ph:(210) 529-8411