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Bigger Law Firm Exposes the New Secrets to Higher Google Rankings through Links for Law Firms

Hitting the Links

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 30, 2014 - Many law firms spend a fortune on digital advertising and are still left wondering why competitors are at the top of the search rankings. In the feature interview for the latest issue of Bigger Law Firm magazine, founder Jason Bland explains the crucial, yet little-understood, topic at the heart of the issue: link building.

“Every law firm looking to grow needs to have a basic understanding of this topic, because it is at the core of how Google ranks websites,” said Bland. “The problem is that link building sounds like something a programmer should do. It isn’t. Blogging is link building. Podcasting is link building. Every law firm with a website needs at least a basic link management strategy.”

In the interview, Bland explains that links are the one constant factor in Google’s search algorithm.

In the past, some legal marketing companies sought to game the system by purchasing large quantities of low-quality links for their clients. However, as Bland explains, Google has now caught up with those techniques, and the search engine is now giving ultra-low rankings to websites that have a high proportion of low-quality links.

High-quality links are the name of the game, says Bland. In the interview, he gives examples of law firms that successfully use high-quality link building techniques to achieve top rankings -- with no technical knowledge required.

“Today, a firm that can create content with intelligence and creativity can go far without even needing paid advertisements,” noted Bland. “It’s no longer about noise and quantity. I think the new system is a relief to many quality-focused law firms that could not understand why competitors were dominating the search rankings.”

Every law firm with a website has a link profile that is visible to Google. That profile might be devoid of links, it might be filled with high-quality links or it might be filled with low-quality links. Bland advises firms to get a basic understanding of their link profile, and then to use the techniques mentioned in the interview to begin raising their link profile and, as a result, search rankings.

“Simply put, this is a topic that cannot be ignored,” said Bland. “I hope this interview helps demystify the topic and helps law firms understand how easy it is to get their websites moving in the right direction.”

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BLF Reveals Why, When and How Electronic Signatures Can Save Firms Time and Money


Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 22, 2014 - Bigger Law Firm magazine's newest issue provides attorneys and law firms with the latest inside information they need to stay on the cutting edge of online marketing and technology. As the tech landscape changes, BLF helps attorneys adapt their marketing strategies to stay ahead of the latest developments.

In this issue, Brendan Conley examines digital signatures with the article, “Save Time by Signing Digitally.” In online commerce, click-through agreements have quickly become ubiquitous, but some legal documents still require a “blue-pen only” paper signature. In the many in-between areas, paper signatures are still the norm but digital signatures are also used, leaving perhaps even attorneys wondering, “Is this legal?” 

As Conley explains, the federal E-Sign Act, passed in 2000, gave electronic signatures the same legal effect as paper signatures and preempted existing state laws requiring paper signatures. Most states have also adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, which gives electronic signatures the same validity as traditional signatures in a similar way. However, these laws cover commercial contracts, and they do not preempt state law requirements regarding vital documents like wills, court orders and certain filings.

These exceptions aside, Conley writes that digital signatures have the clear advantages of saving time and money. When implemented properly, they can actually provide greater proof of authenticity than a paper signature would. Conley details three levels of e-signature security and discusses the features of the industry leaders in digital signature solutions.

Conley's article is just one part of an issue packed with the latest information about technology and online marketing that attorneys and law firms need.

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LinkedIn Long-Form Posts can Help Lawyers According to the Bigger Law Firm magazine

The Bigger Law Firm™ magazine

The Bigger Law Firm™ magazine

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 18, 2014 - Featured in the latest issue of Bigger Law Firm (BLF) magazine is a series of seriously helpful articles to help a busy law firm grab hold of new and promising developments.

Find out how a law firm can maximize its exposure by using LinkedIn’s newest and very powerful free blogging platform. Kerrie Spencer explores the useful long-form post and how it becomes a part of a law firm’s profile.

Launched in early 2014, the new platform is an ideal way to help build authority in a legal niche, such as medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, employment law or criminal defense. Diligent work can pay off handsomely in new clients, as LinkedIn’s blogging platform reaches over 277 million professional members.

When attorneys publish a long-form post, it becomes an integral part of their profile, showcased at the top of a firm or attorney profile and shared with connections and followers. Posts are searchable on and off the service. Due to the location of the post, authorship is crystal clear. Attorneys can use this platform to create high-quality, relevant posts that extend their media reach.

The audience on LinkedIn is different than those of other social networks, due to the emphasis on professional members. As such LinkedIn authors should use posts to capture the attention of a specific audience, educate and inform -- not sell services.

To write a long-form post, LinkedIn suggests a word count between 400 and 600 words on an average of once a week. Write in short paragraphs and use headlines and lists to break up text. Put important content in boldface, and consider adding videos or picture. If a post has punch, the comments it garners tend to bring a law firm even more visibility. Analytics reveal the success or failure of each blog posted – a valuable tool for law firms to fine-tune their online marketing.

Sharing posts from the LinkedIn platform is yet another way for attorneys to increase their exposure.

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Custom Legal Marketing Offers Law Firms Huge Savings on CLM Flagship Law Firm Marketing Plans

CLM Flagship is Custom Legal Marketing's most advanced marketing strategy.

San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December 18, 2014 - Custom Legal Marketing (CLM) today announced that through January 1, 2015, it will offer its CLM Flagship custom marketing plan to law firms for just $3500 a month. This offering saves law firms 30% or more on CLM’s premier legal marketing product.

CLM’s Flagship is built to deliver large-scale growth in quality lead flow for law firms, using a radically new approach to digital marketing.

“CLM knows that efficiency and growth are extremely important to law firms, and this special Flagship offer helps them achieve both,” says Jason Bland, CLM founder. “Now, law firms can take advantage of the bold, integrated marketing campaigns that CLM offers through Flagship at temporarily reduced price.”

New CLM clients get a free custom app this Holiday Season Sign up before January 1, 2015.

Over the past year, Google has proactively devalued millions of website, including law firm websites, that use outdated techniques and questionable tactics to rank higher in search results. The elite legal marketing team at CLM has developed a completely different model for online legal marketing, launching award-winning websites, compelling mobile apps and creative comprehensive marketing plans that attract media attention, earn natural links, and create massive exposure.

Since entering the legal marketing arena nine years ago, CLM's parent company, Adviatech has developed a reputation as a legal marketing powerhouse. The company has gained national attention as honorees of the Webby Awards, the Hermes Creative Awards, the Horizon Media Awards, Interactive Media Awards, WebAwards, and more.

The Flagship program represents the best that CLM has to offer, and has already been adopted by many law firms across the country.

“I would tell law firms thinking about growth in 2015 to jump on the opportunity before their competitors do,” says Bland. “We have a passion for helping law firms dominate their market. CLM Flagship is an exclusive product meaning we commit to just one law firm per practice area per region.”

CLM Flagship Ad as seen in Bigger Law Firm magazine

CLM Flagship Ad as seen in Bigger Law Firm magazine

Custom Legal Marketing
An Adviatech company
1111 Kearny St.
San Francisco, CA 94133
Phone: 1.415.449.1985
Toll Free: 1.800.789.6451

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Custom Legal Marketing's Blog

Custom Legal Marketing is Building Free Custom Apps For Law Firms This Holiday Season

CLM is adding free app development to every new marketing plan that starts January 1, 2015

CLM is adding free app development to every new marketing plan that starts January 1, 2015

San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December 16, 2014 - Custom Legal Marketing (CLM) has announced that until January 1, 2015, any law firm that signs up for a legal marketing plan with CLM will get a custom app for their law firm at no additional charge.

CLM’s legal marketing plans help law firms grow by using innovative digital strategies to increase quality lead flow. Because so much of the digital world is now on mobile devices, CLM founder Jason Bland says that a mobile app can be a huge asset to firms who want to grow.

“A mobile app puts a law firm right at the center of a client’s or prospective client’s digital universe” says Bland. “Law firms with a mobile app often see more leads become cases, and see increased client satisfaction. Also, it’s just a great tool for word of mouth.”

Within a CLM custom law firm app, users can schedule appointments, click to call and get GPS directions to the office. Law firms can use the app to automatically update users about upcoming events and seminars. In addition, app users can directly access exclusive content from the law firm, such as video, ebooks, podcasts and more.

Law firms can take advantage of this promotion by signing up for a custom marketing plan with CLM by December 31, 2014. CLM offers website design and search marketing packages that are customized according to a law firm’s needs, budget and growth goals. Firms can inquire on the CLM website and receive a custom legal marketing proposal within a few days.

CLM is advancing the way law firms grow by making the most advanced digital marketing strategies available to firms of all sizes. Effective digital marketing is emerging as a top priority for growth-oriented law firms, as more people in need of a lawyer use digital research as an essential part of the selection process.

The elite legal marketing team at CLM combines data-driven strategy with an individual understanding of a firm’s goals and market to create custom marketing plans that transform a law firm’s lead flow.

Custom Legal Marketing
An Adviatech company
1111 Kearny St.
San Francisco, CA 94133
Phone: 1.415.449.1985
Toll Free: 1.800.789.6451

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Bigger Law Firm Magazine Brings Readers Into Its Founder’s Office to Demystify the Future of Link Building

The Bigger Law Firm™ magazine

The Bigger Law Firm™ magazine

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 12, 2014 - In this issue of BLF, SEO experts help law firms balance their growth online -- both through effective promotion and through the implementation of solutions that improve work directly at the firm. Forward-thinking internet services offer some fantastic options, but attorneys must always pay special attention to the security of any decision. With careful choices, lawyers can protect clients’ sensitive data while nurturing organic growth online.

Sometimes, it’s OK to talk to yourself. In this issue’s feature, “Hitting the Links,” Cari Cymanski sits down with Adviatech and Bigger Law Firm Magazine co-founder Jason Bland to talk about the link-building strategies that have made his brands (and the firms they represent) successful over the past decade. Bland advises focusing on quality and encouraging organic, human responses: if firms create interesting material, engage with their communities and build natural links consciously and wisely, they’ll see results in their rankings. In the full interview, readers can find approachable, actionable ways to get started.

If your firm is “Looking for a Publishing Power Boost,” LinkedIn may soon offer you a new opportunity. Currently, only a select number of Influencers can publish long-form posts on the site, but LinkedIn is testing expansions that will allow everyone a voice. Kerrie Spencer offers strategies to maximize the opportunity.

High-profile data security breaches have plagued some of the country’s most powerful companies in recent years, and the damage has helped create widespread demand for security in every industry. James Ambroff-Tahan presents a compelling option in “Client Portals,” which can simultaneously protect sensitive client material and enhance project management efforts at your firm.

“Would You Be Covered?” Christopher Kazor asks. In this issue’s “Law + Ethics,” Kazor paints a frightening picture of the emotional, financial and functional impact of a data security breach at a law firm. Insure your business to ensure your preparedness, should disaster strike.

As more and more offices go paperless, Brendan Conley helps lawyers learn to “Save Time by Signing Digitally.” E-signatures are now backed by substantial laws across the country, and a number of well-protected, secure platforms are in use. However, firms will always need vigilance and care to move sensitive documents online.

MailChimp recently introduced a new set of automated marketing tools, allowing attorneys to reach prospective, current, and past clients in more intelligent, effective ways. As Alisha Corbitt outlines in “MailChimp + Marketing,” automation tools, triggers and workflows allow lawyers to time messages precisely, connect with new clients and analyze all their new progress succinctly.

BLF weighs in on the net neutrality debate in “Internet Express Lanes: Who Pays the Toll?” Justin Torres offers readers a clear, unbiased primer into the national conflict and the arguments on both sides.

In September, Google was granted a new patent that could allow its search algorithms to incorporate information from your local TV schedule and viewing habits into results. Considering that Google Now can already listen to your TV, at your request, and deliver relevant Cards about what it “hears,” it’s exciting to speculate how the new patent’s development could shape “The Future of Search.” Cara Tucker explores some of the possibilities.

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Stewart R. Albertson to Head Newly Created Bay Area Office of Albertson & Davidson, LLP

Stewart Albertson

REDWOOD CITY, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December 5, 2014 - The California Trust, Estate and Probate litigation firm of Albertson & Davidson, LLP is pleased to announce that attorney Stewart R. Albertson will be the lead attorney at their newly opened office in the Bay Area. By expanding their geographical reach, Albertson & Davidson, LLP will be able to better serve its clientele and provide exceptional legal services throughout Northern California.

As a founding partner of Albertson & Davidson, LLP, California lawyer Stewart R. Albertson is a seasoned Trust, Estate, and Probate litigation attorney who has obtained over $20 million dollars on behalf of his clients. A 2002 graduate of Loyola University New Orleans School of Law, Mr. Albertson started his own law practice directly out of law school, quickly distinguishing himself as a skilled Trust, Estate, and Probate litigator. Before law school, Mr. Albertson served in the U.S Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division for two years and was also stationed along the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division prior to his service at the 82nd Airborne Division. Mr. Albertson is a highly respected attorney in the community, having a perfect 10.0® rating and was named a Top 100 trial lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers, a professional organization made up of attorneys from around the country. Recently, Mr. Albertson obtained a $5.7 million jury verdict in San Bernardino County Superior Court on behalf of one of his clients.

Founded in 2008, Albertson & Davidson is a boutique Trust, Estate and Probate law firm that handles both litigation and transactional matters on behalf of its clients. The firm has expanded significantly over the past six years, currently operating three offices made up of 12 attorneys. Albertson & Davidson focuses primarily on Trust, Estate and Probate litigation, generally representing Trust and Will beneficiaries who have abused or mistreated by a California Trustee or Executor. Additionally, the firm is regularly an advocate for older adults who have their assets misappropriated by undue influence and fraud.

As a result, the firm's expansion in the Northern California market is a logical next step allowing it to better serve California residents in Trust, Estate, and Probate litigation matters. The Bay Area is home to a significant population of elders, and having physical presence in Redwood City will make it easier for residents and their family members to access high-quality legal services. Albertson & Davidson, routinely handles the following type of Trust, Estate, and Probate litigation matters:

Trust Contest
• Will Contests
• Trust accounting matters
• Probate & Estate litigation
• Trustee surcharge litigation

The Redwood City location is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and serves clients from San Jose to San Francisco. Additionally, Albertson & Davidson maintain offices in Ontario and Carlsbad, California and provide telephone consultation to prospective clients who are not in the area. Call any of our offices today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced will, trust, and estate litigation lawyers.

Stewart Albertson
555 Twin Dolphin Dr., Ste 130
Redwood City, CA 94065
Phone: (650) 596-9999
Fax: (650) 649-2345