Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 13, 2013 - Marketing experts give legal professionals a double-dose of New Year’s strategies in December’s Second Anniversary Issue. This month, the pages of Bigger Law Firm Magazine are packed with the plans your firm needs to stand out amidst new Google algorithms, to manage online reviews and legal blogging, to analyze the legal ramifications of the end of DOMA Section 3, to achieve effective, affordable trial demonstratives and to find fresh solutions for your clients’ data security and storage.
To thank current readers and to welcome new ones, this issue is completely free for anyone who wishes to download it at http://www.biggerlawfirm.com/samples/. Those wishing to acquire a print copy can do so at the special discounted rate of $4.95 until January 31, 2014.
This December, a superb 2014 marketing plan is coming to a firm near you. In this month’s feature, founder Jason Bland prepares readers for “A Bigger 2014.” His comprehensive guide to the newest ideas and biggest changes in legal marketing helps firms think forward to achieve their New Year’s (marketing) Resolutions. With calculated, thoughtful design risks, a new approach to search engine optimization, content amplification and savvy directory entries for lists large and small, your firm can land more impressions and attract more clients. This year, you may even be able to reach potential clients before they even know they’re looking for you.
If a password is easy to remember, it’s probably weak. But if you do create truly strong, random passwords for all the secure files you need, how can your firm track them securely? Ryan Conley’s “Primer On Data Security” lends insight into the software solutions and encryption methods that keep your clients’ information safe online, on servers and in the office.
In this month’s guest feature, Bethany Auck gives readers “Five Tips for Successful, Budget-Friendly Trial Demonstratives”. With her expertise as Founder and Creative Director of the informational design firm SlideRabbit (www.sliderabbit.com), Auck relates courtroom design strategies that any firm can achieve. Dismiss your fears of appearing “too slick” and embrace the power of visual, flexible trial demonstratives to capture and keep your jury’s focus.

By BLF Magazine in Bigger Law Firm
32 pages, published 12/9/2013
Marital status affects more than a thousand separate federal statutes. In this month’s “Future of Law” commentary, Brendan Conley breaks down the recent developments in same-sex marriage law after the end of DOMA Section 3. From taxes to divorce repercussions, Conley analyzes the new landscape for LGBT couples and for their legal needs.
Kristen Friend teaches readers “How to: Avoid Helicopter Branding” to determine when patience and distance are the only new strategies your marketing needs. Give your choices time to produce meaningful statistics and focus on your own work (not your toughest competitor’s), and you’ll reap far greater rewards.
Justin Torres predicts that “Wearable Tech is Coming”. He reveals the pros and cons of popular gadgets that can improve your life and career from your wrist (and even eyes).
According to guest contributor Diane Dean-Epps, there’s no excuse for a “blah-blah” blog. In “Get Your (Blogger) Gears Going”, Dean-Epps shows readers how to conquer blogging fears and maximize the potential of this valuable marketing and outreach tool.
Yelp isn’t just for espresso anymore. Cara M. Tucker advises readers to let your past work speak for itself on both law-specific sites (like Avvo.com) with mainstream giants (like Yelp). “Law Reviews of a Different Kind” tackles the strategies and ethics you need to encourage online feedback from your happiest clients.
Barbara Atkinson encourages legal professionals to “Get On the Big Ride” with Google Carousel. This image-heavy, locally tailored bar is replacing listings in some search results, so learn about the reviews, photos and unique content your firm needs in order to ride.
Does your firm suffer from “Document Overload?” With the right DMS, you can protect your work against catastrophe, boost office collaboration and even provide yourself with relevant documents automatically. Kerrie Spenser balances the details, perks and drawbacks of the two document management systems that offer lawyers the most flexibility today.
Finally, Christopher Kazor (www.nusurance.com) prepares readers for the unexpected costs associated with a professional liability suit in “Choosing and Mastering Professional Liability Insurance.” Kazor shops for Legal Professional coverage with readers — choosing a carrier licensed instate and an appropriate defense limit, while still tailoring coverage to suit a firm’s area of expertise.

Download "A Bigger 2014", the Free December issue of the Bigger Law Firm magazine
To learn more about how to build a Bigger Law Firm, visit https://www.biggerlawfirm.com
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